Articles & Resources

  • Summer Activities Across Canada 2023

    Staffworks wants to make sure you and your family squeeze every drop out of this summer! We’ve curated a list of top events and activities in cities across Canada from…

  • Do you walk the talk?

    A message from an ally-in-training. Harvard Business Review recently conducted an investigation into what being a “good ally” really means to a member of the LGBTQ+ community. It’s one thing to…

  • a man and woman looking at a laptop together

    Encouraging Team Development

    From time to time, it is important to let your team overcome challenges as this ultimately has a positive impact on their development, By giving your team room to solve…

  • How to Get the Most Out of Your Performance Review

    Is there a way to turn what is often an awkward, strained conversation with your boss into a meaningful exchange which serves as a tool to motivate and drive you for the year to come?

  • people in a seminar

    5 Ways to Build a Culture of Continuous Learning

    Continuous learning and development are key priorities when someone is considering a new job. Candidates are often interested in the training and development opportunities as much as the role itself….

  • 4 young professionals gathered around one laptop

    Soft Skills for your Career

    Soft skills are a combination of social, emotional, and cognitive skills that enable you work collaboratively with team members. Here are five in-demand soft skills that you can focus on cultivating now to set you apart in your career:

  • man in white business shirt sitting at a desk and looking out the window

    Thinking of a Career Change?

    A career change can be one of the most difficult decisions you make, and so a carefully thought-out plan is required before making a move. Evaluating the following aspects can help you determine what is important to you, and how you should move forward.

  • cropped image of a person in a green blazer writing on a piece of paper

    3 tips for creating an effective job description

    Here are three useful tips on putting together an effective job description that attracts the right talent to your organization:

  • woman in white collared shirt smiling and looking at a wristwatch

    Interview Questions & How to Answer Them

    Here are our handy tips on answering the most common interview questions. Preparedness is key to a successful interview!

  • a group of business people sitting around a conference table, smiling and applauding

    A competitive salary is worth its weight in gold

    A competitive salary plays a vital role when it comes to attracting and retaining the best people. If your business does not offer a competitive pay package, you may be…

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