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  • Articles and Resources

    Discover the PI and redefine your leadership journey.

  • 4 young professionals gathered around one laptop

    Soft Skills for your Career

    Soft skills are a combination of social, emotional, and cognitive skills that enable you work collaboratively with team members. Here are five in-demand soft skills that you can focus on cultivating now to set you apart in your career:

  • Christine Sinclair, female surgeon, and Barbie highlight women and the wage gap.

    Women and the Wage Gap

    What do Christine Sinclair, Canada’s doctors, and Barbie have in common? Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined using these three to illustrate the same point, but hear me out…

  • two men in business suits shaking hands

    Unemployment on a Record Decline in Canada

    The unemployment rate in Canada fell to a new four-decade low this May.

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